Time-boxing is non negotiable for me...
Friends and work colleagues are always amazed at how much I can achieve and it all comes down to effective productivity habits. Each week I review my priorities and critical deliverables and then block out time in my diary for everything I need to achieve. This practice is reinforced by my unshakeable belief that "If you don't schedule it, then it won't get done!"
Work-life balance is the key to my extreme productivity
I use my time boxes to map out my days. Sleep, exercise, social activities, and relaxation are always scheduled first and I rarely compromise on these because I know that I am more productive when I maintain positive foundation habits.
I then reserve the first 1.5 hours of the day to concentrate on critical activities. This work happens before I go off to the gym for HIIT training and then come back for some yoga. The rest of the day is mapped out with meetings and 'blocked out' time to concentrate on other deliverables.
Sometimes I need reminding about the Daily Book...
At the time that I developed the Daily Book I was extremely overwhelmed and about to crumble under the pressure of a demanding project and personal financial difficulties. I gradually dug myself out using the Daily Book and I never thought there would be a time when I didn't use one.
Life moved on and my success increased and I found that the disciplines and structure of the Daily Book were so embedded into my working habits that I didn't always need to use a physical book...
And then I decided to start a knowledge based business to support lawyers across the globe to change their ways of working to achieve more and outperform the competition. I found that I had many things to do and I wanted to complete them ASAP. Although I used a mental version of the daily book everyday, my business partner reminded me about using my physical Daily Book, because when I use it, I absolutely crush my tasks, actions, plans and goals. So I went straight out and bought a new one!!! I'm using it again, kicking more goals and feeling unstoppable!